Alumnos Internacionales UM
Amy Cline
Universidad de East Carolina
Estudia Español

Un post que va desde la Noche de la Nostalgia hasta sus peripecias personales. ¡A disfrutar!

Going on my fourth week! I feel like I've been here for forever-but in a good way. Every day I gain more and more confidence in my Spanish. And I'm over my sickness! I passed it along to the people in my house though. Oops. Going to the British Hospital was an experience. I guess I was just being ignorant but I kinda thought it would be a lot of lost Americans and Brits like me who didn't know what else to do. Nope-it's like a doctor's office and not everybody speaks English. And the nurses wear those little dresses and hats with the red cross on them!
Hmm que mas?
Today was independence day and Montevideo was kinda like a ghost town. All - ALL- the stores and stuff were closed, taxis were scarce, and only a few busses were running. Last night was Noche de Nostalgia and everybody parties. Bars are like 3 times more expensive but I went to a party at some mansion in the ritzy party of Montevideo. It was all outside but they had a dance floor and a DJ and couches and all the drinks were free! :) It was a day of recovery for me today. I did go walking on the Rambla. I love that. It's a sidewalk that goes all the way around Montevideo right next to the water. People are always out there drinking mate (it's an herbal tea kinda stuff that's specific to Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina) and playing soccer or roller blading or whatever. And there are these guys that sell these sweet peanuts that are AMAZING. I like going out there and walking listening to my ipod and getting to have some me time. If it's like this now I imagine it will be absolutely packed during the summertime. There's a small amusement park within walking distance from my house that's right on the Rambla too that looks like it could be exciting. I feel like the last couple posts have been negative so here are random things I have come to love about being here...

1) Taxis- first of all they are really cheap, especially if you split between people. Secondly, you sit in the front seat with them! Maybe people do this at home but I've never seen it and I kinda like it because most of them have funky personalities and like to talk and are really interested in what I'm doing here so it's good practice!
2) During the day and even during early night you can walk everywhere! Cars are almost unnecessary and there's usually only one per family. I walk the same way to school every day but I always feel like I discover something new every time I make the trip. And the graffiti (a lot of it anyway) is like art! Beauiful pictures that take up the side of whole buildings! It's very interesting.
3) Greetings- every time you meet someone or see them you kiss them on the cheek. It's much more personal than shaking hands or whatever and it makes me feel warm inside :) Yes, even the boys do it
4) Everybody shares! At previas (pregames) or just sitting around the house, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. It works out pretty favorably 99% of the time and people don't make you feel like a mooch if you ask for something. It can get carried away though, Mike said a stranger came up and asked for a sip of his coke!
5) My host family. The mother makes me feel like I'm one of her babies and it's like I have gained 3 brothers :)
Casey Sampson
Universidad North Carolina
Estudia Español

Un post divertido de su blog personal: Uruguayos vistos desde fuera

  *The post that follows is from my foreigner viewpoint and is very generalized. I'm not spending too much time on this either so if I made a mistake or there is something you wish to add please let me know in the comment section.*

One reason I love Uruguay so much is that they are so much more different than I pictured people from Latin America. I had never heard of Uruguay before my study abroad plans for México fell through and apparently neither has the rest of América from the kinds of questions I got when I told people where I would be living this year. So, I thought I would take a post to explain how uruguayos are so unique from the rest of Latin America.

First off, it's urugua-sh-o. This is not the 'y' sound you learned in school, my fellow Spanish language learners, and I shall warn you of the similar 'll' sound as well. Both of these are pronounced as 'sh'-- the same sound you make to silence someone. Another shocker is the voseo where ¿Dedónde eres? and Tú puedes hacerlo become ¿Dedónde sos? and Vos podés hacerlo. I'm by no means a Spanish teacher, or any kind of language teacher, but I plan to have a blog where I do my best to explain both the accent here and the voseo. *Coming soon*

Secondly, you must use these words in your daily conversations: capaz, tipo, este, dale, che.

Next, if you don't like mate, smoke, think mayonnaise is the best condiment ever made, clap at the end of movies in the movie theater, prefer agua con gas, wrap your scarf around the bottom of your face in winter, use the word tranquilo to describe your country, enjoy beef as your favorite meat, then you deserve to have your citizenship seized and be dumped into the Rio de la Plata.

Fourthly*, you must be laid-back and pessimistic, but have a serious sense of pride in your country despite it's many setbacks and still struggling economy.

Screw porteños (people from Buenos Aires), you won the first World Cup and they are all going to get fat from drinking their mate with sugar and Tang.

I definitely plan on doing a part two and maybe three and four to this one day. I was just reading a lot of blogs about Spain and felt inspired to define (sort of) what it means to be Uruguayan.
Hello to everybody,
This is Arturo Fernández. I come from Spain, where I’m a Civil Engineering student. I am currently staying at UM in an interchange year.

I won’t tell you my own story about how I finally found a good place for living. What I will do, is telling you what I learned in the meanwhile. For those foreign students here in Montevideo, here you have a few tips.

In a simple way:

1. Don’t panic
-       There’s plenty of room for everyone.

-       Stay calmed if you find nothing when starting to search. That is what usually happens - it took me a month to find my place.

-       There are good hostels in the city where to put up just for the first days, weeks or even months. They’re cheap and you’ll get a discount if you plan to stay for longer.

Personally, I find that hostels are the best choice at the beginning. It is possible to pay day by day. You will be able to leave whenever you want. You’ll meet lots of people in your same situation, perhaps future apartment mates. In other words, it is a good way to integrate in the city. I leave you some links:

2. Do not make any quick decision
-       No matter how beautiful Internet pictures are, you need to visit the apartment before making up your mind. That means, once you have arrived in Montevideo.

-       Do not send a deposit before coming, unless you’re treating with a hotel or a hostel. Ask the University for Advice.

-       If you have decided to live in a family house, do not sign your contract or send money (again) before coming. Do not give a copy of your Visa. Ask the family for a trial before formalizing. Don’t forget that once you’ve signed a contract you must carry it out.

3. Ask
-       Other students: Where do they live? How much do they pay? Don’t be ashamed, they’ll understand. They’ve already gone through that. By doing so, you’ll get an idea of the situation before starting your search.

-       Owners: ask everything about price. Are community fees included? Is there a deposit? How much is it? Is the electricity cost included? How much will it be if you breach the contract?

-       Tell the owner if you find the agreement expensive, he will try to get as much as you give.
4. Stay informed

A. Real estate agencies

-       Advantages: They are reliable. It is easier negotiating though them than directly with owners. They will take charge in case of damage or breakdown.

-       Disadvantages: You will have to pay extra. Deposit will be higher.

-       Here is a tip: Visit more than one (you’re under no obligation to them, that’s why you will pay them a is their duty). Negotiate.

B. Do it yourself

-       Advantages: You can find cheaper prices.

-       Disadvantages: It is risky; you may have to struggle against people.

-       Some advice: Do not sign if you are not completely sure. If in the agreement you find something either difficult to understand, either ambiguous, demand it to be written again. Check if the house is damp, if the heating is correctly working, etc. Search for drawbacks, it helps dealing. Do always negotiate (as a foreigner you’ll probably be given a price higher than the real one), a good way to do it is by asking the owner to include community fees in the price.

-       Where to look: Sunday building supplement of “El País” paper. Web site:

5. Think about it carefully
-       Take the contract home and read it through carefully. If necessary, show it to the person in charge of exchange students at the university.

-       Do not answer immediately. Even if you love the flat. Tell them you need to meditate and that you will give them your decision within a week. They will claim that it is very cheap and that people are interested. They will also say that apartments are scarce. There is only one true thing in what they say. There are plenty of people willing to rent a flat. So, take at least four days to answer. If they call you before, that means they are craving for should ask them to lower the price.

6. Say it clear
No matter how good friends you are, when sharing accommodation you need to make everything clear from the beginning. Divide the deposit so that every resident pays the same amount of money. You will all feel responsible for the flat and nobody will lose money. Make the contract be read by all the people involved, you will avoid further misinterpretation.

I hope this is useful to you. Finally,  I’d like to insist that it is not difficult to make mistakes when just arrived in a city.
Good luck and best regards.


[email protected]


Hola a todos!
Soy Arturo Fernández, vengo de España donde estudio Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos en la Universidad de la Coruña. Estoy en la UM de intercambio en la facultad de Ingeniería Civil.
No os quiero aburrir contándoos mis largas tribulaciones con el alojamiento; lo que sí quiero es aportar mi granito de arena basándome en mi experiencia, y ayudar a los futuros estudiantes que como yo optaron por disfrutar de un intercambio en esta universidad.

1. Tranquilos.
-  Hay sitio para todos.

-  No os desesperéis si en los primeros días no encontráis nada, es normal. Yo tardé más de un mes.

-  Hay excelentes hostales en Montevideo donde pasar los primeros días, semanas e incluso meses; son económicos y para largas estancias te hacen precio.

Os los recomiendo porque podéis pagar por días e iros cuando queráis; conoceréis a mucha gente en vuestra misma situación, quizá serán futuros compañeros de piso. Además es una buena forma de integrarse en la ciudad.

Os sugiero algunos:

2. No se precipiten

-  Nunca alquilen un departamento sin verlo en persona, es decir, una vez llegados a Montevideo, aunque que las fotografías de Internet parezcan maravillosas.

-  No den ninguna una fianza antes de venir, salvo que sean hoteles u hostales. Pidan

 referencias de los mismos a la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de la UM.

-  En el caso de que vengan a casa de familias, no firmen nada antes de venir; no den los   datos de sus tarjetas visa y no manden dinero como seña...Pidan siempre un

   Periodo de prueba antes de formalizar vuestra situación. No olviden que una vez que se firma un contrato hay obligaciones que cumplir. Un contrato es un contrato.

3. Pregunten:

-  Pregunten a otros chicos de la universidad cuánto pagan, donde viven, etc. No se corten, lo entenderán perfectamente; han pasado por lo mismo que vosotros.

   Esto les dará una idea más clara para tomar decisiones.

-  Pregunten a las personas que alquilan todo acerca de los precios, si incluyen gastos comunes, cuánto es la fianza, si incluyen electricidad, impuestos...etc.

-  Pregunten también cuánto tienen que pagar en caso de rescindir el contrato.

-  Si les parece caro díganlo; el que alquila va intentar cobrar todo lo que estéis dispuestos a pagar.

4. Infórmense:

 A. A través de inmobiliarias:

-  Desventajas:

     Tienen que pagar comisión y la fianza será más cara.

- Ventajas: 

      Les darán garantías de lo que alquilan.

      Es mucho más fácil negociar con ellos que con los dueños.

      En caso de averías o desperfectos, se encargará la inmobiliaria

Un consejo útil: vayan a más de una inmobiliaria; no tienen ningún compromiso con ninguna, y se les paga una comisión después de alquilar. Es su trabajo. Negocien.

B. O buscar vosotros:

-  Es más arriesgado, tendrán que pelear con mucha gente.

-  No firmen nada que no tengan claro.

-  Si no entienden algo del contrato o es ambiguo pidan que lo redacten de nuevo y consulten en la universidad si tienen alguna duda.

-  Cuando vean el piso, miren si tiene humedades, si tiene calefacción, si sale agua  caliente....etc.

-  Intenten negociar siempre, Por ser extranjeros os van a dar precios por encima del valor real. Una buena técnica es pedir que os incluyan los gastos comunes en el precio que inicialmente os dieron.

-  Sitios donde buscar:

     En el diario "El País" de los domingos, en el suplemento de inmuebles. La página Web es:

Medidas de prudencia:

Tanto en inmobiliaria como a particulares:

-  Llevaros el contrato a casa y leerlo bien, y consulten.

-  Nunca contestéis en el acto por más que el piso os parezca ideal. Decir que necesitáis pensarlo, que la semana que viene contestáis. Os dirán que es una ganga, que hay

   mucha gente interesada, que hay muy pocos apartamentos......etc. Pero no os dejes convencer. Hay muchos pisos disponibles en la ciudad. Pensarlo bien y tomaos como mínimo cuatro días en contestar.

- No dar la sensación de que algo os parece barato sin antes compararlo y consultarlo. Esto os ayudara a negociar después.

5. Qué hacer cuando se comparte el alquiler con otros estudiantes:

-  Dejar las cosas muy claras entre vosotros al principio, por muy amigos que seáis.

-  No conviene que la fianza la ponga una sola persona. Es mejor dividirla en partes iguales. Así todos se sentirán responsables del apartamento, y nadie perderá nada.

-  Para evitar malas interpretaciones futuras, es importante que todos lean antes el contrato.

Os deseo mucha suerte es vuestra búsqueda!

Errar es humano y es muy fácil equivocarse al llegar a un país nuevo. Por eso quiero ayudaros y evitaros algunos inconvenientes graves que yo he tenido al llegar. Si queréis más información, sobre todo de donde no os aconsejo ir, escribidme a [email protected]

Espero que a alguien le sirva para algo.

Un saludo a todos


Hay un pequeño, bohemio y entrañable restaurante en la calle Coronel Mora, se llama "La Pulpería", solo ponen asado uruguayo, eso sí, increíble de sabor, olor y precio (muy importante).
Yo ya me he aficionado y voy una o dos veces por semana. Merece la pena.
Ojo que cuando digo pequeño es por algo. Hay que ir con tiempo para tener sitio.
Que lo disfrutéis!

Datos de interés:

Lagunillas 448 esq. J. Núñez
Punta Carretas - Montevideo

Telefono: 7108657
Precio: $
Martes a Sábados de 20 a 00:30. Domingo de 12 a 16 h.

Comentarios sobre La Pulpería
La idea es que mediante el blog puedan participar todos los alumnos internacionales que están en Montevideo. Para comenzar sería bueno proponer un tema y que cada uno vaya escribiendo algo relacionado al tema: pueden ser datos, información útil, críticas, etc. Los temas cambiarán cada semana.

El primer tema será restoranes uruguayos. ¿Cuál es su favorito?, ¿qué piden cuando van?, ¿cuál es el que tiene mejor atención?, ¿cómo es el ambiente?, etc.

Los post deben ser enviados a [email protected], si tienen fotos del restaurant mucho mejor.